Fabricación de colorantes y pigmentos

sin logotipo

Onda - Plana Baja (Castelló/Castellón - Comunidad Valenciana)


Fabricación de productos químicos básicos, compuestos nitrogenados, fertilizantes, plásticos y caucho sintético en formas primarias

Productos y servicios

Fabricacion de fritas y esmaltes ceramicos para uso industria y su comercializacion

Fabricación de colorantes y pigmentos
Fabricación de pinturas, barnices y revestimientos similares; tintas de imprenta y masillas
Fabricación de colorantes y pigmentos
Fabricación de pinturas, barnices y revestimientos similares; tintas de imprenta y masillas
Manufacture of dyes and pigments
Manufacture of paints, varnishes and similar coatings, printing ink and mastics
The company is engaged in the research, manufacture, and marketing of frits, glazes, and colors for the ceramics industry. Its business was incorporated in September of 1989. The company has a registered head office based in Onda, Spain. The company specializes in the supply of enamels and special glass frit. It offers technical support and advice, ceramic design, and external training services. The company's products are marketed and sold throughout Spain and overseas, in cooperation with its local and foreign business partners and affiliates. In addition, the company has additional offices in Portugal, China, Poland, Russian Federation, Pakistan, Egypt, Hungary, and Iran.
Datos de contacto
Dirección postal


CP: 27401 - ONDA (Castellón)

Tlf: +34 964776666
Fax: +34 964602016

Web: www.quimicer.com